
Brings Rails named routes to javascript

This project is maintained by railsware


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Generates javascript file that defines all Rails named routes as javascript helpers


Your Rails Gemfile:

gem "js-routes"

Basic Setup

Require js routes file in application.js or other bundle

= require js-routes

Also in order to flush asset pipeline cache sometimes you might need to run:

rake tmp:cache:clear

This cache is not flushed on server restart in development environment.

Important: If routes.js file is not updated after some configuration change you need to run this rake task again.

Advanced Setup

If you need to customize routes file create initializer, like config/initializers/jsroutes.rb:

JsRoutes.setup do |config|
  config.option = value

Available options:

Very Advanced Setup

In case you need multiple route files for different parts of your application, you have to create the files manually. If your application has an admin and an application namespace for example:

# app/assets/javascripts/admin/routes.js.erb
<%= JsRoutes.generate(namespace: "AdminRoutes", include: /admin/) %>

# app/assets/javascripts/admin.js.coffee
#= require admin/routes
# app/assets/javascripts/application/routes.js.erb
<%= JsRoutes.generate(namespace: "AppRoutes", exclude: /admin/) %>

# app/assets/javascripts/application.js.coffee
#= require application/routes

In order to generate the routes JS code to a string:

routes_js = JsRoutes.generate(options)

If you want to generate the routes files outside of the asset pipeline, you can use JsRoutes.generate!:

path = "app/assets/javascripts"
JsRoutes.generate!("#{path}/app_routes.js", :namespace => "AppRoutes", :exclude => [/^admin_/, /^api_/])
JsRoutes.generate!("#{path}/adm_routes.js", :namespace => "AdmRoutes", :include => /^admin_/)
JsRoutes.generate!("#{path}/api_routes.js", :namespace => "ApiRoutes", :include => /^api_/, :default_url_options => {:format => "json"})


Configuration above will create a nice javascript file with Routes object that has all the rails routes available:

Routes.users_path() // => "/users"
Routes.user_path(1) // => "/users/1"
Routes.user_path(1, {format: 'json'}) // => "/users/1.json"
Routes.user_path(1, {anchor: 'profile'}) // => "/users/1#profile"
Routes.new_user_project_path(1, {format: 'json'}) // => "/users/1/projects/new.json"
Routes.user_project_path(1,2, {q: 'hello', custom: true}) // => "/users/1/projects/2?q=hello&custom=true"
Routes.user_project_path(1,2, {hello: ['world', 'mars']}) // => "/users/1/projects/2?hello%5B%5D=world&hello%5B%5D=mars"

Using serialized object as route function arguments:

var google = {id: 1, name: "Google"};
Routes.company_path(google) // => "/companies/1"
var google = {id: 1, name: "Google", to_param: "google"};
Routes.company_path(google) // => "/companies/google"

In order to make routes helpers available globally:

jQuery.extend(window, Routes)

Get spec of routes and required params

Possible to get spec of route by function toString:

Routes.users_path.toString() // => "/users(.:format)"
Routes.user_path.toString() // => "/users/:id(.:format)"

This function allow to get the same spec for route, if you will get string representation of the route function:

'' + Routes.users_path // => "/users(.:format)", a string representation of the object
'' + Routes.user_path // => "/users/:id(.:format)"

Route function also contain inside attribute required_params required param names as array:

Routes.users_path.required_params // => []
Routes.user_path.required_params // => ['id']

What about security?

js-routes itself do not have security holes. It makes URLs without access protection more reachable by potential attacker. In order to prevent this use :exclude option for sensitive urls like /admin_/


When using Spork and Spork.trap_method(Rails::Application::RoutesReloader, :reload!) you should also do:

Spork.trap_method(JsRoutes, :generate!)

JS-Routes and heroku

Heroku environment has a specific problems with setup. It is impossible to use asset pipeline in this environment. You should use "Very Advanced Setup" schema in this case.

For example create routes.js.erb in assets folder with needed content:

<%= JsRoutes.generate(options) %>

This should just work.

Advantages over alternatives

There are some alternatives available. Most of them has only basic feature and don't reach the level of quality I accept. Advantages of this one are:

Thanks to Contributors

Have fun